Discrete math is typically a requirement in computer science undergraduate programs. It deals with logical arguments, sets, counting and combinatorics and shortest path algorithms (also known as graph theory). There are a lot of overlapping ideas that are directly relatable to programming concepts, here’s how.
Reading: Dreaming in Code
Dreaming in Code by Scott Rosenberg is a intimate look at the culture of tech startups and the challenges they encounter. The author does an incredible job of providing a first-hand account of his experience, while using every available opportunity to go on side quests to explore the industry as a whole. Here we discuss the central themes of the book.
🏥 The Surgical Team Model
In Mythical Man Month, Brooks introduces a proposal by Harlan Mills of a small surgical team, an extremely productive unit of software engineering professionals.
Pros & Cons of Professional Programming
According to Frederick Brooks, the profession of software engineering has its pros and cons. In Mythical Man Month, here’s what he says makes programming fun and… no so fun.
📚 Recommended Reading
These books have made me a better programmer.
🗃️ Collection Iteration in Java
Looping over a collection is an essential technique in every programming language. Here are some methods with examples you can use in Java.